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Eco Product

Producer of vegetable proteins without heat and chemical treatment
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"Plant Protein - Living in Harmony with Nature"

The company was founded in 2019. It is a manufacturer of plant-based proteins produced without heat or chemical processing.

This protein can be easily stirred into water, perfectly combined with vegetable milk, or used as the base for a healthy fruit smoothie. The pureRAW protein allows you to develop your own recipes, it can be mixed with various berries and fruits, juices or porridges.Each product bag contains a biodegradable measuring spoon made of corn starch.In the production of products the company always aims to use only ecological, natural and degradable components to spread and maintain the values of ethical interaction with the environment.

Green Proteins is a natural source of protein that contains no lactose, soy, gluten or GMOs. It contains no animal ingredients, artificial flavors, colors, preservatives or other synthetic additives.The company's product line includes: Sunflower protein-quince protein-hemp protein-kedar nut protein-spirulinamnogoomponetent protein-hemp protein flavored with chocolate chip cookies-sunflower protein flavored with "Irish Cream" and "Halva. Contact:, phone 8 (925)123-94-40

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